Thursday, January 24, 2013

Beata and Fior,

This is a re-written version of your summary. Please notice differences between it and the original you wrote:

"Summary of "Romantic Love"

Romantic love lasts only a year. Italian scientists have found that a chemical in the brain which makes us romantic disappears over a year. Researches from the University of Pavia discovered changes in levels of this chemical, called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). NGF chemical make us romantic. With his team, Dr. Enzo Emanuele   analyzed 58 volunteers who had recently fallen in love. The researchers compared NGF levels in this group with those in people who were single or in steady relationships. They found increased levels of NGF in the new romantics. NGF caused sweaty palms and butterflies in stomach and may be the reason why some young men buy red roses and candlelit dinners.

This summary is well done. It gives the main idea and supporting details in sentences that are clear and easy to understand, also had few grammatical errors. All spelling was correct- and, as you know, spelling in English is difficult and therefore important.


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