Saturday, June 02, 2012


Spa island is located in pacific ocean,the capital is ocean relax, the population is 4000 million.
this island has a barter economy.
Spa island was create by stressfull people that come from big cities and some countries who wanted a peacefull life. The people in this island speak a dolphin language, they believe in God, the religion names yoga. Everyone in this island has a happy and a nice life, that's the reason why the average life is the longest, almost between 90 and 100 years old. This island doesn't have gdp because it doesn't have currency,they are farmer workers,they grown fruits,vegetables and fishing in the sea.This place is very special and never has any problem.


Blogger the blog said...


Thanks for your inventive homework.

This is a corrected version of your article about Spa Island. It sounds like a good place to live in peace.


Spa island is located in the Pacific Ocean. The capital is Ocean Relax. The population is 4000 million.

This island has a barter economy.
Spa island was created by stressed people that came from big cities and some countries who wanted a peaceful life. The people on this island speak a dolphin language. They believe in God. The name of the religion is yoga. Everyone on this island has a happy and a nice life; that's the reason why the average life is the longest, almost between 90 and 100 years old. This island doesn't have GDP because it doesn't have currency. They are farm workers,who grow fruits,vegetables and fish in the sea.This place is very special and never has any problem.

Sat Jun 02, 01:18:00 PM  

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