Tuesday, February 09, 2010


1. Which are the three least corrupt countries in the world today?
New Zealand, Denmark and Singapore.
2. Which country is the least corrupt?
New Zealand.
3. Which country is the most corrupt?
4.What is the most corrupt country in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations? You can find the member nations here:
Laos (158)
5. Which African country is the least corrupt?
Botswana (37)
6.What are the least corrupt and the most corrupt countries in OAS (Organization of American States)?
The least Canada (8) and the most Haiti(168)
7. Which countries are the most and least corrupt in Nato? (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
The most Albania (95) and the least Denmark (2)
8.What are the least and most corrupt countries in the G8 (Group of 8)?
The most Rusia (146) and the least Canada (8)
9. What number on the transparency index is your partner's country and your country?
Korea (39 and Colombia (75)
10. What number is the United States?
United state ( 19)


Blogger the blog said...


You wrote accurately and well. This is important information, of course.

What do you think causes corruption and what do you think can reduce it?


Tue Feb 09, 02:33:00 PM  

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