Thursday, July 30, 2009


'Subprime' is one of those words which already existed from positive meaning to negative meaning. For a time in the 1990s the word of subprime actually had a positive meaning when used to describe a lending rate offered to borrowers. Meaning of the word subprime was changed because of the word received negative influencefrom economy of real estate. You may know the meaning of the word prime, and it was positive sense, something good or at a high level. The word of prefix sub means under or below. So, we guess that subprime means in some way below prime, not at the top level.

From around 2005, the word subprime started to feature with increasing frequency in the media. As the financial storm clouds began to gather, attention turned to subprime mortgage lendingas one of the causes of the crisis which was about to break. Furthermore, the word gained so muchattention from the world's media that in 2007 the American dialect society voted it 'word of the year'.

My friend also affected by subprime mortgage loan. So, he always paid overcharge for loan every months. He hated it too much and was harder for live. I hope in comfortable economy as soon as possible. So, everyone should be good.

by chris.


Blogger the blog said...


You wrote an excellent summary, including a lot of salient detail and at the end the example of the person you know who has directly experienced the impact of subprime lending. It is interesting how the meaning of words changes with circumstances. Sometimes people use language to hide meaning. "Subprime" sounds harmless but it was extremely destructive.


Sat Aug 01, 05:34:00 PM  

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