Monday, October 17, 2005

Hillary's Three Worlds

Hillary Clinton's life in Arkansas and Washington differed in terms of lifestyle. While her life in Arkansas,not only hadn't she had been married to a president,but she also hadn't been busy all day every day.Moreover,she hadn't had many official responsibilities.Indeed,her life had been relatively easy.In Washington,on the other hand,she not only was under constant public scrutiny,but also had to host official dinners.Moreover,she helped her husband make policy decisions.Indeed,she had almost no life of her own.

Hillary Clinton's life in Arkansas and in Washington differed in terms of housing.
Whereas she had lived in a small house in Arkansas,in Washington she lived in the
White House.The house she and Bill had owned in Arkansas had neither been huge nor luxuriously appointed.In addition,foreign dignitaries hadn't visited.In fact,it had been a house like that of any other person of moderate income.The White House,on the other hand,was both large and imposing and had a rich history.In addition,it was visited by tourists and dignitaries alike.In fact,it was more like a museum than a home.

Hillary Clinton's life in Washington and New York have differed in terms of people.
New Yorkers are busy.In contrast,people in Washington led relaxed lives. New Yorkers don't have much free time and they don't know their neighbors.Furthermore,they don't meet their family except on weekends.In point of fact,they are workaholics.People in Washington,on the other hand,enjoy socializing and feel that life is more than business.Furthermore,they take long lunch hours.In point of fact,Washington might be a good example for New Yorkers to folliw.

Yoko Matsumoto


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