Tuesday, April 10, 2012


1. im studing english because i need this lenguage for my job and my life
2. i like to read airplane magazines, newspapers and animal books
3. i like read because is  important know about where you live and know about what happened around the world
4.my future plan is work in a airways
5. i was living in argentina for 1 year because i studied there for get my licenses of private pilot


Blogger the blog said...

This is your message with some corrections:

1. I'm studying English because I need this language for my job and my life.
2. i like to read airplane magazines, newspapers and animal books.
3. i like to read because it is important to know about where you live and know about what happened around the world
4.my future plan is to work in a airline.
5. I was living in Argentina for 1 year because i studied there to get my licenses as a private pilot.

Wed Apr 11, 07:23:00 PM  
Blogger the blog said...

second correction:

1. "Licenses" should be singular "license" unless you got more than one.

2. When you write about yourself, "I" should always be upper case (not "i"). Lower case "i" is okay if you chat with friends, of course.

Wed Apr 11, 09:56:00 PM  

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