Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Yuja Wang: A Pinch-Hitter Takes The Lead/ Writen by Kazuyo

1. How old was she when she began tinkering with the keys?

When she was 6years old.She started tinkering.

2. What does “pinch-hitter” mean in Yuja’s case?

the one to call when older, perhaps more seasoned big-name pianists couldn't make it to their engagements,so she Yuja had carved out insted her.

3. What is the title of her first CD and what award has it been nominated for?

Her debut CD, Sonatas and Etudes.It has been nominated for a Grammy.

4. Where did she find out about the nomination? What did she think?

When she found out the next morning on Facebook.It was very unexpected for her.

5. What did she do at age seven?
When she was 7, she did her first concert.

6. Where can we hear her childhood performances?

We can hear her childhood performances are on YouTube.

7. What are the two parts of live concerts she loves?
We can take the music in aurally and visuall

8. “Crowd-pleasers” are very popular pieces of music. Why does she avoid “crowd-pleasers”?

It was important to avoid settling for crowd-pleasers, and to demonstrate her earnest appreciation for the art.

9. What is she really into (What does she really like)?

She like music.

10. How does the future look for her?

She's the future looks are promising for this 22-year-old.

11. How old is she now?
She is 22 years old.

12. What do you think about her story?
She has a destiny to be famous pianist,and she had a talent.

13. Please answer this question on the blog: In your partner's opinion, who is more successful, Andrei or Yuja. Explain (just one paragraph is okay. Remember, write your partner's opinion.

I think Yuja,s story is more successful than Andrei,s story, because Yuja,s story have a dream .


Blogger the blog said...


Thank you for writing your answers and publishing them here for your classmates and teacher.

Here are some corrections:

2. ..so Yuja played instead of them. She has carved out a niche for herself. ("to carve a niche" means to sculpt a special job only she can do. Her niche is pinch-hitter for other piano players).

4. Your answer to number 4 shows a very good understanding of English grammar (passive voice).

9. She likes.. (you forgot the S. We all forget things)

10. The future looks promising for this twenty-two year old.

I think Yuja,s story is more successful than Andrei's story, because Yuja's story has a dream.

I wonder. Doesn't Andrei also have a dream? In fact, Yuja has been nominated for a Grammy award and has a CD. She has reality. Andrei doesn't have reality, so his dream may be even more important to him than Yuja's is to her.

Wed Mar 02, 07:41:00 PM  

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