Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Well-educated is most overweight.

My partner said that there are not many obese people in his country because they always eat rice and lot of vegetable. Almost people in his country are not interesting in fast food. He said the life-style in his country different from the life-style in the United States because there are in different culture. Also he said higher obesity rate is well-educated because they are the people who sit all day, eat junk food, drink many coffee and Coke, never do the exercise.


Blogger the blog said...

Your partner wrote that well-educated people have a higher obesity rate because they sit all day, eat junk food, drink a lot of coffee and coke and never do exercise. I think the opposite is true. Well-educated people understand the importance of healthy food and exercise.

Thu Oct 07, 02:17:00 PM  

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