Wednesday, May 19, 2010


1-The 3 least corrupt contries.
a- New Zealand
b- Denmark
c- Singapore
2-The least corrupt coutry.
a- New Zealand
3-The country is the most corrupt.
a- Somalia
4-The most corrupt contry in ASEAN.
a-Mayanmar (Burna)
5- Which African contry is the least corrupt?
a- Botswana
6-What are the least corrupt and the most corrupt contries in OAS?
a- HAITI is the most corrupt
b- CANADA is the least corrupt
7-Which contries are the most and least corrupt in NATO?
a- Denmark is the least corrupt
b Albania is the most corrupt
8- What are the least and most corrupt contries in G8.
a- Belgium is the least corrupt.
b- Russia is the most corrupt
9-What number on the transparency index is your partner's contry and your contry?
a- Brazil 3,7
10-What number is the United States?
a- US is 7,5



You are a very good student! This wasn't homework. Your answers are correct, except for number 8 a. The least corrupt country in the G8 is Canada.


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