Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Confidence in Chinese milk turns sour

This is about the milk makers they want to increase the level of protein in milk so they put the melamine in the milk in China. It cost 6,500 children have become ill and four kids died. The comsumers are lose their confidents for country's dairy products. The Chinese government promise they will punish the responer for this mistake. These dairy products also spread to China's borders, like japan and singaport and malaysia, so they banning the milk from China. Starbucks express This event is affecting their business so they decided to stop to put the milk into their products.

Maggie Chang


Blogger the blog said...


You indirectly raise an interesting question. If the companies felt they could continue to make a profit by putting melamine in the milk, how long would they continue? How many babies would die? It's disturbing to think about.


Thu Apr 23, 04:56:00 PM  

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