Saturday, November 20, 2004

telc students and teacher

Kevin here. Today, Saturday, we're writing introductions of our countries, for the purpose of gaining knowledge as we consider the news, look at events in the world today

Here is some information about the United States: The main religion in the United States is Protestant. The literacy rate is 97%. The Gross Domestic Product in 2003 was 10.98 trillion dollars. Per capita income is $37,800. That's how much the average household gets in a year.

The average life expectancy is 77.4 years, but I happen to know that, on average, women live longer than men.

The main trading partner is Canada, our northern neighbor. Mexico, to the south, is second when it comes to trade.

We are a country rich in resources, with a population who like to invent.

Excuse me, but right now I'm going to read what some of the people blogging beside me are writing.


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